Council of Ministers’ Resolution No. (386) Date: 17-07-1439H | (قرارمجلسالوزراءرقم (386) وتاريخ 17/07/1439هـ)

قرارمجلسالوزراءرقم (386) وتاريخ 17/07/1439هـ



Council of Ministers’ Resolution No. (386)Date: 17-07-1439H

Approving the revised code of conduct concerning the repression of piracy, armed robbery against ships, and illicit maritime activity in the Western Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden Area.

Council of Ministers’ Resolution No. (426) Date: 08-08-1439H | (قرارمجلسالوزراءرقم (426) وتاريخ 8/08/1439هـ)


قرارمجلسالوزراءرقم (426) وتاريخ 8/08/1439هـ




Council of Ministers’ Resolution No. (426) Date: 08-08-1439H


Approving Commercial Mortgage Law.